Research Coordinators

Brooke Cullen, Lab Manager

Assistant to Michelle G. Craske

Research Coordinator: VR-RT Study

Office: 310-825-5614


Brooke is the lab manager at the ADRC. She graduated from UCLA with a B.A. in Psychology in 2020. Prior to working for the ADRC as staff, she was a Research Assistant in the lab, as well as a Peer in the STAND program at UCLA. Brooke’s primary research interest is broadening our understanding of a) how cognitive and behavioral mechanisms contribute to internalizing disorders and b) how such mechanistic knowledge can be leveraged to develop and improve interventions. 


Julian Ruiz, Research Coordinator



Research Coordinator: OptEx Study

Office: 310-825-4983


Julian has previously coordinated the Reaching Independence Through Successful Employment (RISE) study and is currently coordinating the Optimizing Exposure Therapy study. Julian is also engaged in psychophysiological data processing for other ADRC studies. His primary research interests involve (1) the factors which influence the effectiveness and accessibility of evidence-based interventions for internalizing disorders, particularly among underserved youth, and (2) how knowledge of these factors can inform cultural adaptations to existing interventions for anxiety and depression.

Shawn Wang, Research Coordinator

Research Coordinator: TAD Study, DecNef Study

Office: 310-825-4983


Shawn joined the ADRC as a study coordinator after graduating with a B.A. in Psychology and a minor in Cognitive Science from UCLA in 2021. He is currently coordinating the TAD study at the UCLA ADRC. Shawn’s research interests lie with the role of reward as a transdiagnostic mechanism of depression, anxiety, and other commonly comorbid disorders. He is interested in multimodal, integrative approaches including harnessing fMRI, ECG, inflammation, and more as methods of investigation to build a holistic understanding of these processes.



Jessie Allenbach, Research Coordinator

Research Coordinator: YMAP


Jessie first began volunteering as a research assistant at the ADRC in April of 2022 while in her senior year as an undergraduate at UCLA. After graduating with her B.A. in Psychology in 2022, Jessie continued to volunteer in the ADRC and became a Study Coordinator for the Youth Mindful Awareness Program (YMAP) at the ADRC in November of 2023. Jessie is interested in researching social support as a protective factor for depression. She is also interested in developing interventions that target anhedonia, loneliness, and suicide risk.

Gabe Fiol, Research Coordinator

Research Coordinator: DecNef Study


Gabe joined the ADRC as a research coordinator after graduating from NYU with a B.A. in Psychology and a minor in Public Health. Previously, he worked as a research assistant for the NYU Listening Lab and The Corcoran Language Lab at The Icahn School of Medicine. Gabe’s research interests lie in understanding how neuroscience can be used in novel clinical interventions and how social/environmental determinants shape health disparities among mental disorders.

Noa MacDonald, Research Coordinator

Research Coordinator: DecNef Study


Noa started volunteering with the ADRC in 2022. After graduating UCLA with a B.A. in Psychology in 2024, he joined the DecNef study as a research coordinator. Noa is interested in how the brain gives rise to clinically relevant subjective experiences (e.g., fear), and how more clearly understanding the neural bases therein can build efficacious biopsychosocial treatments.