Treatment for Anxiety and Depression

The Treatment for Anxiety and Depression (TAD) study is designed to examine which individuals with symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress are more likely to benefit from a two different versions of therapy. Each of these therapies include components and therapeutic strategies that have been demonstrated to be effective for these problem areas. One therapy focuses on enhancing and increasing positive coping and life strategies, whereas the other therapy focuses on decreasing or eradicating negative coping and life strategies. Both versions involve examining thoughts, modifying behaviors, and focusing on breathing.

Eligibility Criteria

Individuals who are seeking treatment for anxiety, depression, and stress, are eligible for the study if they are between the ages of 18 to 65, are English speaking, are not currently suffering from major medical conditions, and are either un-medicated or stabilized on medications.

Screening Procedures

Interested participants should email their contact information (i.e., name, phone number, best times to call) to Participants will then be asked a few simple screening questionnaires. If eligible, participants are scheduled for an virtual, no-cost, diagnostic evaluation (approximately 2-3 hours).

Treatment Procedures

Treatment is conducted one on one, over 8-15 weekly visits (at the UCLA Psychology Clinic). Assessments are conducted prior to beginning treatment, at completion of treatment and 6 months later. These assessments include diagnostic evaluations, a battery of self-report questionnaires, and behavioral observation.

Payment and Fees

Participants will receive diagnostic evaluation and treatment for free. Participants will be compensated $25 for each remote assessment (baseline, pre-treatment, mid-treatment, post-treatment).

Study Personnel Contact

For further information about this project, contact:
Gabe Fiol

This study is conducted in collaboration with Alicia Meuret, Ph.D. and Thomas Ritz, Ph.D., at Southern Methodist University (SMU).

Principal Investigator: Michelle G. Craske, Ph.D.

Protocol ID:IRB#24-000416 UCLA IRB Approved Approval Date: 03/25/2024 Through: 03/25/2025 Committee: Medical IRB 3